Principal Desk

“Dear Students, Greetings! It gives me immense pleasure, joy and honor to introduce to you Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya, Aurangabad,

Maharashtra the four decade old NAAC re-accredited Institute. India has a rich history of educational and social service, blended with human touch for economically & socially poor and weaker sections of rural youth to pursue their higher education.

To cater the need of socially and economically deprived students, Hon’ble President of Vasantrao Naik Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Aurangabad, Samajbhushan Principal Rajaramji Rathod established this college in 1972.

The infrastructure of our college is in continuous process of up-gradation and it could be noticed as one enters the campus. The college encourages and sponsors the students to participate in co-curricular activities like sports, inter collegiate competitions, projects, exhibitions, industrial visits guest lectures etc. They are also exposed to a barrage of information from various sources such as internet, media and interactions with the peers.

To emphasize the values like liberty, equality, social justice and secularism as enshrined in the constitution, conscious efforts are made to develop qualities of character, courage, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, sportsmanship and selfless service among the youth to make them responsible citizens. The motto of the college is to cater to the special needs and requirements of the new entrants and those who economical worse off. we uphold the values like liberty, equality, social justice and secularism as enshrined in the constitution.

Dr.Jagdish Bharad