Grievance Redressal Cell Committee

College Grievance Redressal
- 2. The College Grievance Redressal Cell shall resolve the grievance within period of fifteen days after receiving the complain. The principal shall provide a copy of the order to the aggrieved person within time.
- 3. The composition of college Grievance Redressal Cell consists of three members including Principal. The Principal of college is the chairperson of this cell. The quorum for meeting shall be two, including the Principal.
- 4.In case the grievance not resolved by College Grievance Redressal Cell, the aggrieved person may prefer appeal to UGRC, within a period of six days of date of decission of the College Grievance Redressal Cell on the college web portal for seeking grievance redressal. In case grievance not resolved by UGRC, the aggrieved person may prefer appeal to ombudpersons, within a period by six days of date of decision of UGRC.
- 5. The complaint/appeal shall be filed by the aggreived person with a special permission from the ombudoperson or the Grievance Redressal Cell, as the case may be, by any other person.
- 6. The detail guildeline and nature of grievances are published on the web portal of the college for ready reference. The students shall carefully peruse the guidelines to understand the functional mechanism of the Grievance Redressal Cell.
- Note : The students/parents shall note that any admission related grievance if found to be false or frivolous, the principal of the college shall take appropriate action.