Aim : To take necessary sports recreational activities and measures to ensure participation of well trained students & teams at various levels of competitions.

Constitution :
a) Renowned social worker - Head of Committeeb) Renowned sports persons - Member
c) One Teacher - Member
d) One Non-Teacher - Member
e) One renowned artist - Member
f) Secretary student council - Secretary
- 1. To carry out selection ans ensure participation of college students in the games & competitions prescribed in Appendex- I.
- 2. To create awareness and to make arrangement of preparation program for te college students. Appendex II
- 3. To establish links with local, regional and national bodies in various sports, cultural activities..
- 4. To take up activities for raising funds and sustain the activities of students organisation.
- 5. To create awareness about physical standards required for various competitions, sports and recruitment. Appendex III
- The recreational and sports activities substantially support students in building
physical, social, emotional etc skills and attaining growth in personality.
The students can further pursue carrier in various fields such as Post Graduation, Defence services, Public Sector services such as, Air India, Oil and Natural Gas Company etc.
The student can also undertake jobs like coaching, sports lawyer, administrator, sport official, personal trainer etc.
Functions :
Note :
It is very important for student to fill the sports & cultural information form and
attach along with the admission for.This is important for preparation of student profile and getting admission in college.
The format of the form is available at