Paper No. I Introduction to sociology
| • Understand nature of sociology and introduction of sociology.
• To create an awareness of the impact of sociology on the society.
• To understand the basic concept of society, social system social groups & social institutions.
• The students will learn perspective in sociology by various concepts like functionalist and conflict.
• The students will learn new to analysis of social problem, evaluation of social change by the knowledge of society.
Paper No. II Individual & Society
Course Outcomes • Understand nature of culture in society.
• To able to understand social stratification
• To able to understand caste system.
• To able to understand class system.
• To learn various social change & barriers in social change.
• To understand the concepts of conformity and deviance.
Paper No. III Introduction to subfields of sociology
Program Outcomes • To understand difference between urban sociology and rural sociology.
• To able to understand basic concepts of sociology Psychology.
• To able to understand basic concepts of politics psychology.
• To able to understand concepts of Anthropology
• To learn applications of sociology.
Paper No. IV India Social Compositions
• To understand features of Indian society.
• To understand forms of diversity in India.
• No able to understand India population and his characteristics.
• To learn population planning & population control program.
• To understand democracy and secularism concept.
• To able to understand rural and agrarian strong of India society.
Paper No. V Problems of Rural India
Program Outcomes • Student got ability to highlights institutional issues.
• Student enables to understand domestic violence and dowry.
• Student enables to know problem of illiteracy.
• Student enables to know education heart.
• Student knows the major issues in development.
• Students understand and analyze the problem of rural economy.
Paper No. VI Contemporary Urban Issues
• Student got knowledge of concepts of urbanization.
• Student enables to understand the concepts of migration.
• Student understands and analyzes the problem of urbanization.
• Student enables to understand urban planning.
• Student understands implications of globalization for cities and planning.
Paper No. VII Population in India
• In understand causes and consequences of population.
• Student understands basic concepts of fertility, mortality.
• Students view increased of population growth and environment effects.
• Introduce to student demographic transition
• Students got knowledge of new population policy of India.
• Students were awareness of how to control population growth.
Paper No. VIII Sociology of Development
• Students enable to demonstrate of conceptual perspective on development.
• Students enable to understanding of sustainable development.
• Analysis and understanding the problem of weaker section.
• To study and understand development issues.
• To understand development approach, capitalist, socialist and mixer approach
• Create the awareness among the student of government schemes.
Paper No. IX Sociological Tradition
• Understand the emergence of sociological thought
• Understand about the period of enlightenment.
• To study and understand the sociological thinkers like August Compte, Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim.
• To understanding of sociological thought and to know about pioneer sociologists stated theories.
• To study the Karl Max and his theory of class struggle.
• To study the Max Weber and also analysis theory of spirit of capitalism and protestant ethics.
Paper No. X Introduction to Research Methodology
• Develop understanding on various kinds of research objection of doing research, research designs & sampling.
• Have basic knowledge on qualitative research techniques.
• Have adequate knowledge on measurement & scaling techniques as well as the quantitative date analysis.
• Have basis awareness of date analysis and hypothesis testing procedures.
Paper No. XI Social Problems in India
• Conceptual analysis of social problems.
• Findings of the pattern of social problems causes and extents.
• To understand and diagnose the patterns of the extent of deviances.
• To study the problems of Inequality.
• To analysis the problems of commercial rout ion of agriculture.
• Students can demonstrate an understanding of the diverse forms & sources of social inequality and difference that exist in society.
Paper No. XIII Sociological Theories
• Through the development of an understanding on sociological theories and concepts student can demonstrate the role of theory in sociology.
• To understand social theory and describe its role in building sociological know.
• To analysis compare and contrast basic theoretical orientations.
• Describe how sociology differs from and is similar to other social science and give examples of these different
• Demonstrate the historical cultural context in which theories were developed.
• Apply basic theories of theoretical approach in at least one area of social reality. Apply the sociological imagination, sociological principles and concepts to her/his own life.
Paper No. XIV Social Research Methods
• To understand primary techniques of the use of social research.
• To study and understand basic methodologies approaches and describe the general to role of methods in building sociological knowledge.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the computer application and statistics.
• To study society and social structure and design a research study in an area of choice and explain why.
• Develop understanding on various finds of research objectives of doing research, research process research designs and sampling.
• Have adequate knowledge of welfare schemes.
Paper No. XV Social Disorganization in contemporary India |
• To study problem of disorganization and causes of social disorganization.
• To analyze the violence and social disorder in the society and have awareness of naxalism and Terrorism in India.
• Understand the concept of Regionalism.
• Conceptual analysis of regional imbalance
• Solve the problem of disorganization and also think independently and draw a logical conclusion as solution
• Create an awareness of the impact of regionalism on the society.
Paper No. XII & XVI Project Work |
Sociology is a science related to the field of human behavior. It studies the origins of society, organization and development of human society from a scientific point of view. Through project work, aspects of social deviation, social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, culture and law are studied in a scientific manner. The subject of project work plays a very important role in the integration of the students to impart a cultured training in social service to the degree level students to alleviate the social problems to a greater or lesser extent. The project work can shed light on many issues in the society by keeping the humanitarian approach of cleanliness and humanity campaign in mind.